Gtenadian Style Home-Cooking Try

Wow…time flies do fast. I didn’t even realize that I didn’t upload anything in the last 3 weeks 😀

Tonight I cooked some nearly Grenadian food: a soup or stew mixture with potatoes, callalloo, chicken, onions and plantin.
Everyone liked it and for the first try cooking callalloo and plantain I think I could say I did a good job 🙂

I know the picture is not one quarter as good as it tasted but I just want to share that with you 😉


5 thoughts on “Gtenadian Style Home-Cooking Try

  1. Hi selina habe heute mit Interesse deinen neuen Beitrag gelesen. Callaloo, ich habe das Rezept nachgelesen ist ja wohl eine Spezialität. Ein Sternekoch aus Deutschland Torsten Reeh hat sie wohl auch gekocht, als er bei euch im Hotel war. Kann das möglich sein?? Ich glaube wenn du zurück bist wirst du vielleicht deine Familie mit einer neuen Art zu kochen überraschen. Die karibische Küche ist sicher sehr scharf und sehr fruchtig. Wir freuen uns über alles und wenn es nur ein Kochrezept ist. Alles Gute und lieben Gruß von
    Granny and the. Rest


  2. We tried to check the ingrediences. Is it a very spicy soup or more or less a mild version of our potatoe soup? It seems to be a very clear liquid. Your brother found out that it is a recipe originally coming from the Island of Trinidad. We are looking forward to tasting the soup in the coming spring😀
    What about your cooking experience concerning fish and seafood. Did you already dare to try that?
    Here in good old Germany we started our Dominostein and Printen season. It already tasts like Christmas.🌲🎄⛄️


    1. Well yeah it is actually supposed to be like a potatoe soup consistency but spicier and with some more different ingredients. I don’t know if i will be able to cook this becase i am not sure if i will get callalloo and plantain at home 😀
      I want some too


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